
New Book, New Chapter

I am fine, and I'm writing now.
Since I realize, when was the last time I fall,
I really can't remember.

And today is new,
I look at the sky,
It's blue.
I could feel it,

Today, new book created.
Things just change bit by bit,

The brother that I lost for a very long time,
That I miss,
That we shouldn't,
I have it back,
We stick together back

The family,
that always doesn't have any option about choosing,
now they open
a road for us,
a path.

And, it's been a very long time,
I've been patiently waiting for someone,
patiently waiting for someone that carry my heart,
to the edge.

I found you,
I didn't mean,
I have the key,
to open your heart,
I manage to get inside,
and you lock,

Thanks dear,
You are my colorful portrait,
my beautiful soul mate,
and my wonderful smile.

Our heart is pair now,
It's just connecting,
wherever we are,
our heart is one.

I love you.